miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

TV serials: Information, entertainment and ideological impact. What you choose?

There is a lot of types of TV serials. It is possible to classify them according to their different purposes or functions. First are those designed to entertain, second are those intended to inform and / or teach. Thirdly, can detect the tv serial bound to have an ideological impact. But many times or generally, these purposes or functions are mixed in the tv serial.
For example, latin american soap operas have an explicit purpose of entertaining first. But as the doctor in sociology Martin Barbero, soap operas also have a character of cultural transformation and political concern. Configuring an ideological impact through them.
A lot of people like TV serials because they are a quick alternative of entertainment and information. But other people do not like them because they are aware of the ideological character implicit in many TV serials.
I have no favorite TV serial, but a kind of serial that I like: the animal world documentary serial. An example of these is "the family of meerkats”, which has several very entertaining and informative chapters about the lifestyle of these animals.
I honestly do not see TV serial very often, because I have little free time. I have many things to study.
See you.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I liked the picture on your new publication! Meerkats are very cute and I think they are very interesting animals :)

    See you!

  2. Hi Cristian! Your comment was very interesting and I like the photo too =) byee!
