viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

My future vacacation.

The vacations are very important because is a time of year where you can relax. Having a good time, you can go to walk outdoors and meet beautiful and interesting places like the beach and countryside. In this time it is possible to meet new people, tourists from other countries or areas. Also the large lot of sun allows a beautiful tan.
This vacations I pretend travel around the`s a joke...I will travel to the south and go about the maximum number of lakes. The circuit of the lake is very beautiful. It's a real pleasure is in contact with nature.
I will travel in an all-terrain vehicle. This will allow me greater mobility in rough terrain. This all-terrain vehicle also allows me to carry a greater amount of baggage. This vehicle also allows me to carry any passenger.

In this vacation pretend rest and sleep tired before go to walk outdoors. Then I have fun, going to parties in the different places you go. Sing around bonfires on the beach with my friends. I also bathe in the warm waters of the lakes. On this date the lake water is delicious, and that at the end of the day all the heat builds up on the shore.

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